Autumn is arriving with the determination summer lacked. Already the elms are shedding their leaves and the air has a crisp edge to it. My beloved frogs look like they're shivering whenever the sun turns its attention to some other corner of the pond. Fall usually inspires me but I feel like the summer passed too fast and I'm not ready for the cool weather.
To shake off the doldrums I've been working on plans for an October journal writing workshop I'll be offering with two other instructors at Graystone Preserve. Our intent is to offer a 1.5 day creative experience that teaches participants how to make a beautiful personal journal complete with calligraphy, sketching, and high quality writing. My fellow instructors are Debra Dick and Randall Sellers, both talented artists in their own fields. I'm excited about the prospect of teaching this workshop in the gorgeous environment of Graystone, a 3800 acre preserve adjacent to Hickory Run State Park. The place is filled with wildlife and spectacular scenery. The truth is, it will be a treat to be there even if autumn is coming along too.